I got tired of having to muck around with kpartx and such whenever a domU went down.
So I decided to just go with 4 LVs per domU – root, home, swap and boot.
The command to create the LVs is just one really long one, the original command replicated 4 times:
lvcreate -L10G -n rawhide-root vg_caesium_domUs && lvcreate -L1G -n rawhide-swap vg_caesium_domUs && lvcreate -L10G -n rawhide-home vg_caesium_domUs && lvcreate -L512M -n rawhide-boot vg_caesium_domUs
The virt-install command is somewhat different too – It now specifies the 4 block drives:
virt-install -p -r 512 -n rawhide -f /dev/vg_caesium_domUs/rawhide-boot -f /dev/vg_caesium_domUs/rawhide-root -f /dev/vg_caesium_domUs/rawhide-home -f /dev/vg_caesium_domUs/rawhide-swap -l ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/development/16/i386/os/ -x ks="http://hydrogen/~kyl191/ks/ks.php?hostname=rawhide"