Archive for September 11th, 2010

MAC Address changes when using virt-install

The MAC address seems to change after you use virt-install, which leads to the ifup script complaining that the hardware address doesn’t match what’s in the ifcfg-eth0 file. However, after the domain is defined, the MAC address seems to stick, so the fix is to change the ifcfg-eth0 to reflect the new MAC address.

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Setting the hostname in Fedora 13

Should be simple, the number of times I’ve done it, but I’ve ended up searching google for how to do so. Again. vim /etc/sysconfig/network, add “HOSTNAME=newhost” or change it. Also, vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, add “DHCP_HOSTNAME=newhost” for the hostname to be sent with DHCP requests. Have to find out if setting up the hostname with the kickstart […]

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'Hardware' clocks in Fedora 13/14 VMs

Disable the hardware clock The Xen domU will use the host’s clock, so we replace hwclock with an empty shell script echo exit 0 > /sbin/hwclock (from

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