Posts Tagged ssl
Let’s Encrypt ALL THE THINGS
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Linux, Sysadmin on December 7, 2015
Got my first domain using a cert from Let’s Encrypt in under ~10 minutes, including setting up Let’s Encrypt itself. Yes, this is rather game changing. Now to write ansible playbooks around it, and figure out how to get it working for proxied domains automatically.
Generating a SSL key + CSR
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Sysadmin on September 17, 2015
Because I’ve had to look it up multiple times Generate the private key openssl genrsa -out domain.tld.key 2048 then, generate the CSR openssl req -sha256 -new -key domain.tld.key -out domain.tld.csr I’m certain there’s a one liner to do this, but didn’t find anything while looking (briefly).