Posts Tagged ec2

Cheaping out on EC2 – using Spot Instances

Amazon markets Spot Instances as a way to reduce the price you pay for instances. So, continuing my efforts to reduce expenses on EC2, I looked into using spot instances. Spot instances are essentially just like normal instances. You can create your own AMIs, where you essentially create an image and tell Amazon to create […]

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Update Jul 2014 – use the shiny new SteamCMD tool. Also, I started using DigitalOcean instead of EC2 (marginally cheaper, incredibly easier to setup) Create a Instance – spot works Install wget, tar, ncompress – depends on your distro, fedora 17 by default didn’t come with this (which, btw, is WTF?!) Also, screen to run […]

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Cheaping out on EC2 – Downsizing existing EBS volumes

I’m moving a VM from my own server to EC2. I’ve got $50 worth of credit from a Redhat event, so I would like to make use of that. (That, and my AWS account existed before the free tier was introduced, so I’m not eligible for that.) That said, I want to make that credit […]

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Removing bloat from Fedora 17 on EC2

I’m in the middle of trialing EC2, and I’m using the official Fedora 17 images kindly provided by the community. They make a great starting point, because I can then install my needed software. Some of which, though, I consider absolutely crucial. So far, I’ve need to install vim, less, rsync and screen. I can […]

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