Archive for category Uncategorized
Formatting LVs for dom0 guests
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 31, 2009
Installing paravirtualized guests is interesting in the sense that you’re essentially copying over a minimal system, then telling it to install itself. Supposed to be fun. XD === Now, after setting up the logical volumes for the domU guest, you have to setup the filesystem. Which isn’t as hard as it sounds, all the information […]
LVM management for guests
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 31, 2009
Current setup on my test server is 1 20GB drive for all the dom0 stuff, and a larger drive which will hold all the domU images. There will be 2 images for each system – 1 20GB partition which will be mounted as / and 1 512MB partition which will be used as swap. Because […]
Getting debootstrap on CentOS5.4
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 30, 2009
Mysterious references were found to a debootstrap RPM built for Fedora that should also work on CentOS5.4. Google searches are helpful in finding working links though – it pulled up Which seems to work – the fc11 and fc12 version have weird dependencies which CentOS couldn’t handle. (As an aside, CentOS seems to be […]
Getting Xen 3.4 on CentOS5.4
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 30, 2009
First problem – The version of Xen it had was 3.1.something. The latest one is 3.4.2. Followed the directions here to grab 3.4. (Essentially, add a repo with the 3.4 rpms built, then yum groupremove virtualization, yum groupinstall virtualization. No idea why a bunch of stuff was dependent on Xen, but it was – stuff […]
Xen on OpenSolaris 32bit w/out hardware virtualization
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 30, 2009
Turns out, it’s an utter failure. Xen kernel won’t even boot. And the package management system has been timing out really really badly. Though I think that’s just SingNet, not me. Anyway, the commands used: pfexec su – pkg install xvm-gui (This grabs all the dependencies too…) reboot For some reason, it also removed the […]
New project: ImageGallery!
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Programming, Uncategorized on December 13, 2009
I’ve started a new project called ImageGallery. It’s essentially a revamp of a gallery script to allow it to use caching. More info here.
Notice: Development on IRCbot has stopped
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 13, 2009
Development on IRCbot has stopped due to the base PircBot package being tripped up by new anti-bot protections. (Most notably by Inspircd.) I’ve personally moved to using SupyBot, which seems to be an acceptable replacement. (Except that it’s lacking !playback, but the !last module could probably be hacked to do this.)
“Updates yearly”
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on December 12, 2009
I knew it. Somehow, I knew that I’d only get around to updating the blog once a year. === Except some code related stuff to be up soon though.
Hello world!
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Uncategorized on July 5, 2009
Well… reinstalled wordpress. Hopefully this install has a longer lifetime than the last one.