Archive for category Programming

Initial release of Lightroom Export to

So… a few weeks after I first thought up the idea, I’m officially releasing my Lightroom plugin for, as far as emailing links to people is ‘official’. The plugin exports the IPTC Title, IPTC Caption and any keywords you have tagged the image with, as well as the image to From there, you […]

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Lightroom, and OAuth

So, I’ve been looking through the OAuth RFC, and this actually looks doable, with copious amounts of code from the Flickr plugin bundled with the Lightroom SDK. The key thing is OAuth2 – It looks a lot simpler than OAuth1. Whereas OAuth1 needed messages to be signed, OAuth2 just throws stuff back and forth in the […]


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Lightroom publishing to

So… Since my dedup program has… kinda stalled while I try to figure out how to implement the actual identifying and displaying duplicate files, I’m looking at other things to do. I finally got back to dA recently, and discovered they opened a new upload/file storage thing called Interestingly enough,the announcement had a developers […]

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Dedup – Identifying and displaying duplicate files

Work on this project has… kinda stalled while I try to figure a few issues. I’m trying to write them out to get a better idea of what I’m actually trying to do. Identifying the files is fairly simple – I have the content hashes of the files which I can compare. Problem is, the […]


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GUI programming in Python

It’s the next thing I want to try. It looks like either wxPython or PyQT is my best bet. GUI Programming with Python: QT Edition is a book about using PyQT, while Building a basic GUI application step-by-step in Python with Tkinter and wxPython is about wxPython Meanwhile, ShowMeDo is Python’s list of tutorials, which […]


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The power of prior research

One hour after I started, the bare bones are already up and running: Mainly because I read up a lot during the day, so I understood exactly what I had to do. And with that, sleep time.

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Metadata in FLV files

After I get MP4 dedup working, FLV files are the next step. Some resources that showed up:

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On MP4 file headers and metadata

TL;DR: I have a bunch of MP4 video files that have identical content, but the internal metadata differs. I’m writing a Python function/module/program that’ll strip out the metadata, so hashing functions can find the duplicates.

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New project: ImageGallery!

I’ve started a new project called ImageGallery. It’s essentially a revamp of a gallery script to allow it to use caching. More info here.

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