Archive for July 4th, 2017
A First Look at Google Cloud Datastore
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017
Note: This is a continuation of my post on exploring Google Cloud Platform. There is also a mirror of it on At first glance, Datastore is equivalent to DynamoDB. I personally think that Datastore is better compared to SimpleDB. Unfortunately, SimpleDB isn’t accepting new customers/isn’t being deployed to new regions, so it’s not a […]
A First Look at Google Cloud Storage
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017
Note: This is a continuation of my post on exploring Google Cloud Platform. There is also a mirror of it on Storage price wise, S3 and GCS are mostly comparable, with a note that GCS bandwidth is more expensive, and you don’t really get a choice of what rate you want to pay. GCS […]
A First Look at Google Compute Engine
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017
Note: This is a continuation of my post on exploring Google Cloud Platform. There is also a mirror of it on Compute Engine is one of the more important services for me. While I’d love to have all my stuff on managed services like Lambda/Cloud Functions, it’s not possible. The fundamentals of GCE are […]
A First Look at Google Cloud Platform
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in AWS, GCP on July 4, 2017
This got really long, so I broke it up into parts. Feel free to skip to the parts you’re interested in. * Setting up, Organization differences & IAM/Authentication (this post) ( mirror) * Google Compute Engine ( mirror) * Google Cloud Storage ( mirror) * Google Cloud Datastore ( mirror) I have a bunch of […]