Quick tip: Use a QR code to get a site on your mobile device before you leave the house

A few times I’ve been in a rush to get somewhere, but have an article or two open on my screen that I’m in the middle of reading. Before I got a shiny new Galaxy Nexus, I used to email the link to myself, and open the email and then open the link.

It wasn’t too bad, but for a single article it was tedious and annoying – even one link in an email was a rush.

And then I recently had a case where I had a long bus + train ride ahead of me, so I wanted to get a long article that I was reading on my desktop onto my phone. I don’t know why or how I thought of it, but the idea of using a QR code to get the URL onto my phone came to me. Possibly because I was reading an article lambasting the use of QR codes as links on websites.

Which is completely correct – it’s meant to convey data, so using them as internal links defeats the purpose. But I could use QR codes to transfer data between my desktop and my phone – I just had to convert the URL of the page into a form suitable to be displayed on my phone!

Some Google-fu later (for “QR code generator”) brought me to here, which was a perfect solution. Now, all I have to do is open that site, paste the page URL in, and snap a picture using the Android app Barcode Scanner. Then the app allows me to open the URL in the Android Browser.

Which felt very easy. Easier than emailing stuff to myself.


  1. #1 by Mark on May 10, 2012 - 10:07 pm

    I actually do this too, though I found a chrome extension which adds a button to the tool bar, so you just have to press it and the QR code drops down like a menu, ready to be scanned, might save you a step there.

    Found your site because of your deviant art Lightroom exporter. I’m away from my computer at the moment, but wondering if it will work with Lightroom 4?

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    #2 by Kyle Lexmond on May 10, 2012 - 10:58 pm

    Makes sense that someone would make an extension for URL -> QR codes… I’ll have to look for one for Firefox then.

    As for the dA exporter, it’s still using the LR 3.6 code because there’s no SDK out for LR4 yet, but Adobe hasn’t switched much stuff around because it’s working fine on LR4 for me and a few others. (In short: No reason it wouldn’t work on LR4.)

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