Archive for May, 2012
You know you need more RAM when…
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Sysadmin on May 10, 2012
aka, my errors, let me show you them. or, inadvertent DDoSes are fun when you do them to yourself! finally, A: “I can see 4GB of RAM but I can only use 1.5.” Q: What is “Why I loathe 1and1”? sudo -i sudo: unknown uid: 10003 sudo: cannot fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Argument […]
Quick tip: Use a QR code to get a site on your mobile device before you leave the house
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Personal on May 8, 2012
A few times I’ve been in a rush to get somewhere, but have an article or two open on my screen that I’m in the middle of reading. Before I got a shiny new Galaxy Nexus, I used to email the link to myself, and open the email and then open the link. It wasn’t […]
3 things about backups
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Sysadmin on May 5, 2012
In this post I’ll talk about 3 things about backups that you should know. At the end of it, you should understand the different types of data involved in a backup, and some programs which can help you with the backups. 3 different types of data (Or, why not all data is equal) Data can […]
cron screwyness
Posted by Kyle Lexmond in Linux on May 2, 2012
While trying to diagnose a problem with my VMs (namely, why starting a fedora 16 based vm fails to bring up the network connection), I ran into a strange issue – on my dom0 and some of the domUs, logrotate hasn’t been running, leaving me with insanely long logfiles! So I set out trying to […]