Getting Xen onto Fedora

You can do this many different ways:

  1. Install Xen through Yum
  2. Download prebuilt Xen RPMs & install them
  3. Download the Xen source and compile & install Xen

Installing Xen through Yum

The easiest is just to install Xen through yum: It’s a simple

yum install xen

And let Yum churn away at it:

[root@caesium ~]# yum install xen
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Setting up Install Process
>Clipped for brevity<
 xen.i686 0:4.0.1-7.fc14

Dependency Installed:
 PyXML.i686 0:0.8.4-25.fc14           SDL.i686 0:1.2.14-10.fc14               bridge-utils.i686 0:1.2-9.fc13      qemu-common.i686 2:0.13.0-1.fc14
 qemu-img.i686 2:0.13.0-1.fc14        xen-hypervisor.i686 0:4.0.1-7.fc14      xen-libs.i686 0:4.0.1-7.fc14        xen-licenses.i686 0:4.0.1-7.fc14
 xen-runtime.i686 0:4.0.1-7.fc14


One of the benefits of using Yum is that it automatically resolves dependencies for you – it didn’t just install Xen, it also installed all the necessary packages.

Downloading prebuilt Xen RPMs & Installing them

Of course, if your Xen host is isolated from the internet, yum isn’t going to work. So the next easiest thing to do is to grab the prebuilt Xen RPMs from the automated Fedora package builder, Koji. It has a specific section for Xen RPMs. Download the bunch of them for your system (either i686 or x86_64 – if you’re not sure, do a uname -r on your Xen host. It should be listed at the very end of what’s printed.)

Unfortunately, you can’t just install all the RPMs straightaway.

[root@caesium ~]# rpm -Uvh xen-*.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
 PyXML is needed by xen-4.1.0-1.fc15.i686
 bridge-utils is needed by xen-4.1.0-1.fc15.i686 is needed by xen-libs-4.1.0-1.fc15.i686
 /usr/bin/qemu-img is needed by xen-runtime-4.1.0-1.fc15.i686
 /usr/bin/qemu-nbd is needed by xen-runtime-4.1.0-1.fc15.i686 is needed by xen-runtime-4.1.0-1.fc15.i686

The downside of installing everything manually is that now you have to go hunting for the packages. Thankfully, it’s not dependency hell – everything is fairly simple to get. Using Koji, grab PyXML, SDL, bridge-utils, xz-libs from xz and qemu-common and qemu-img from qemu. Then, install everything:

[root@caesium ~]# rpm -Uvh qemu-*.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
 1:qemu-img               ########################################### [ 50%]
 2:qemu-common            ########################################### [100%]
[root@caesium ~]# rpm -ivh bridge-utils-1.2-10.fc15.i686.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
 1:bridge-utils           ########################################### [100%]
[root@caesium ~]# rpm -ivh PyXML-0.8.4-26.fc15.i686.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
 1:PyXML                  ########################################### [100%]
[root@caesium ~]# rpm -ivh SDL-1.2.14-11.fc15.i686.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
 1:SDL                    ########################################### [100%]
[root@caesium ~]# rpm -ivh xz-libs-5.0.1-2.fc15.i686.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
 1:xz-libs                ########################################### [100%]
[root@caesium ~]# rpm -ivh xen-*.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
 1:xen-licenses           ########################################### [ 17%]
 2:xen-libs               ########################################### [ 33%]
 3:xen-hypervisor         ########################################### [ 50%]
 4:xen-doc                ########################################### [ 67%]
 5:xen-runtime            ########################################### [ 83%]
 6:xen                    ########################################### [100%]

Compiling Xen from source

First of all, you have to get the Xen source. You have two options for this, which we’ll deal with in a bit.

Whichever you choose, to actually build from source, you’ll need to download the compilers and such. To do so, run

yum groupinstall "Development Libraries" "Development Tools"
yum install transfig wget texi2html libaio-devel dev86 glibc-devel e2fsprogs-devel gitk mkinitrd iasl xz-devel bzip2-devel pciutils-libs pciutils-devel SDL-devel libX11-devel gtk2-devel bridge-utils PyXML qemu-common qemu-img mercurial libidn-devel glibc-devel.i686

It’ll take some time, since there’s ~200MB to download, not including the time to extract, install & configure everything. But, once yum’s got everything installed, you can compile Xen from the source code.

Compiling Xen from source RPM

Your first option is simply downloading the Xen source RPM. Remember the prebuilt Xen RPMs from the automated Fedora package builder, Koji? Grab the Xen src RPM from the same place. Install the rpm with

rpm -i xen.src.rpm

This creates a directory called rpmbuild in the folder you’re working in. Switch to that working folder, and then tell rpmbuild to use the Xen specifications (in the folder SPECS) to generate rpms for install:

# cd rpmbuild/SPECS
# rpmbuild -bb xen.spec

Be prepared for a bunch of status messages to scroll across your screen. This is normal.

After a while when the build process finishes you should see output like:

Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-libs-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-runtime-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-hypervisor-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-doc-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-devel-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-licenses-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/xen-debuginfo-4.1.0-1.fc14.i686.rpm

So, simply install the newly built rpms:

[root@caesium rpmbuild]# cd RPMS/i686/
[root@caesium i686]# rpm -ivh xen*.rpm
Preparing...              ########################################### [100%]
 1:xen-licenses           ########################################### [ 13%]
 2:xen-hypervisor         ########################################### [ 25%]
 3:xen-doc                ########################################### [ 38%]
 4:xen-debuginfo          ########################################### [ 50%]
 5:xen-libs               ########################################### [ 63%]
 6:xen-runtime            ########################################### [ 75%]
 7:xen-devel              ########################################### [ 88%]
 8:xen                    ########################################### [100%]

Compiling Xen from the Xen repo

The second option is getting the latest and greatest source straight from the Xen code repos. The Xen 4.0 wiki page has more info on building from source.

Select the appropriate repository from the list of Xen repositories. In practice, you’ll probably want the latest stable branch, though you can choose the development branch or any of the historical branches. At this moment, the latest stable branch is 4.1, so that’ll be used.

Xen uses Mercurial for source control. So the command to pull the latest revision is simply

hg clone<repo name>

For the 4.1 stable branch, the command is

hg clone

And wait for the download to finish. It’ll create a folder named after the repository name, so change to the directory

cd xen-4.1-testing.hg

Then, to compile Xen, run

make xen && make tools && make stubdom

And watch your screen fill with status messages. Do note that this step requires Internet access to pull the latest source code from repositories like xen-tools. If you don’t have Internet access, this will fail.

Finally, do

make install xen && make install tools PYTHON_PREFIX_ARG= && make install stubdom

to actually install Xen.

Checking that Xen’s actually installed

A quick and simple check is to see if the folder /etc/xen exists, and /boot has files like xen.gz. If it does, Xen has likely been installed correctly.

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